
Aimee Jamie Stewart was born on July 14, 1985 in Columbus, Indiana weighing at 6lbs 1oz. She is the younger sister of NASCAR Sprint Cup Series driver and team owner Tony Stewart.

In 1991 at the age of six, Aimee got her interest in racing, where as a part of an early birthday gift, she went and saw the Indianapolis 500, and got hooked on racing ever since, where she begged her parents to buy her a quarter midget car so that she could race a quarter midget race whenever she could find the time.

At age of sixteen, Aimee was suffering from outbursts of anger whenever someone made mer mad, and was ALWAYS sarcastic (and at times where she wasn't trying to be sarcastic at all) and basically being 'rude' as people would love to call it, she was then diagnosed with 'passive-agressive anger', which she is trying to keep under control.

Aimee Jamie Stewart


July 14, 1985 (age 26)


Columbus, Indiana


Tony Stewart (brother)

When Aimee graduated, she graduated with a 4.0 GPA, and a scholarship to any university that she desired, but, she decided that she didn't need it as much as someone that she befriended in their junior year which than that friend said that she really wanted a scholarship to a medical university so that she could become someone who would try and find a cure for cancer because her mother and aunt had died of breast cancer and brain cancer respectively, so Aimee decided to give her scholarship to her.

Aimee didn't start traveling with her brother until 2007, where an outburst of anger on her ex-boyfriend Trent had her be sent to court and the judge said that you either control your anger by being around some people that you know would help you with your anger, or you go to jail for 10 years. So, she had chosen to be with the NASCAR guys and travel with her brother.

When it's during the NASCAR season, Aimee spends her time with her brother whenever he's not busy, but, during an off week or an off-season, she spends most of her time over with her brother's race team being the contract negotiator.

Aimee's Twitter account is @SmokeNBeauty14. She mainly uses it to talk to her friends, fans of NASCAR, and posts updates about anything NASCAR.
